Coding in a post M1 world.

With the recent release of Apple’s M1 series of in-house ARM chips for their devices, the future is continuing down a pick your ocean liner path. Having done some programing for Apple’s devices in Objective-C and Swift, and some Ruby on Rails development. The future has accelerated picking your programing languages carefully. That choice is more and more likely to tie your career to the success or failure of a specific company’s products. No matter if they become a Regent Seven Seas or a Titanic you’re still hanging on for dear life the whole the ride.

For now, there isn’t such an obvious vertical hardware and software integration for Windows, Linux or most other generalized computing. Mainly specialized devices, Xbox and other video game consoles, Smart TVs, smartphones and tablets as mainstream examples. In this environment, I’m jumping ship to learn Python3 and I’ll come back to Apple development when the declarative UI parts are ironed out. Smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and other things are getting smarter and smarter, not going away. They still need servers and possible web UI to talk to though.